"america...through my eyes."
"my balls!"
"i hope my mother does not read my blog."
we do a lot of sight seeing while on the road. its one of the jobs best perks. that and smelling other peoples farts while trapped in a van.
i love lincoln, so you could imagine my excitement going to the "lincoln-douglas debate" site...
actyually, this was just a statue of it. the actual site was 20 feet to the left...
but still drew and i took a picture by the statue...
i also humped a cannon...
but the cannon was not having it.
lincoln rocks...in so many ways...
we also went to the birth place of cereal, cereal city...
i acted like tony the tiger...
it was sortaaaaa ooooookkkkk!
they wanted to make me into a cereal...
not cool cereal city.
keeping with the cereal theme we went to niagara falls...
wow!!! canada looks amazing...
the statue of nikola tesla loved adam...
but treated me like a common whore...
all in all we took a picture together...
classic case of four guys taking a picture together at niagara falls.
this type of shit gets me real angry...
close to niagara falls is rochester NY...
in rochester is the home of susan b. anthony. "she be currency yo!!!"
this is not her house...
five minutes later we realized that.
this is her house...
rochester is also where the "northstar" started, frederick douglas's newspaper.
that's frederick douglas and susan b. anthony having tea...
it was a beautiful tea party. and of course ended in an orgy...
you guys...oh and sorry, you girls too...
and what's with black guys and always wanting to cuddle after...
also in rochester NY...
was george eastman's, founder of the eastman kodak company, house.
it was the patrick ewing of houses...
this rochester native told me that at one point eastman's pianist said the acoustics were off because of the houses location. eastman actually got a crew to lift the house and move it 9 feet back in the lot for better sound quality. it ended up costing more than building the actual house. RESPECT george eastman...RESPECT...