vegas was pretty cool, a little crazy, but fun all in all. the sun sets were beautiful. this is what west looked like from our hotel window...
on may 23rd, 2009 bill will be marrying julie. julie is a great person and a good friend...

i had three plates worth. one of the plates was nothing but assorted cheeses and ice cream.
right out side was where you can go take smoke breaks during the buffet experience. here's jason...(he looks so cool)
also, outside there were flamingo's, like the name of the hotel. fucking flamingo's in the buffet smoking lot. vegas, i can't believe you wanted to keep this a secret...
taking buffet breaks was great for pacing. its something i'm not so good at but took steps to make it so. by steps i meant i actually went for a ten minute walk to re-up on appetite. i totally made it so...

back to vegas. here's the man of the hour, bill. jason is on the left
of bill...
i lived with bill for a couple of years a couple of years ago. he's probably one of the funniest people i know if not the funniest. if you see him around give him a hi-5, he deserves it.
we got pretty hammered every night. there were moments i just wanted to sleep but you couldn't. you had to man up and drink one of these...
they were horrible, but still, not as bad as his movies.
they made lex and i super horny...
that actually could stay in vegas, but doesn't have to. ; )
anyhoo, here is some video footage that probably should also stay in vegas.
its mostly karaoke...
bill, hope you had a good bachelor party...