i got to hang out with friends...
it was awesome!
i got to play bill in jeopardy...
it was awesome!
however, double jeopardy...
was not so awesome...
bill won this round and most of the other ones but as i have said before this is my blog.
so i won jeopardy...
it was awesome!
i also got really sick with the flu when i was home.
it was not so awesome!
however, in an attempt to make me feel better, emily...
took jockey and i out for tea...
emily and jockey are awesome!
later that night we played UNO. i totally won. i mean killed, slaughtered and pillaged. look how many cards she has and how snarly she is snarling...
it was awesome!
then she made me dinner...
and you betcha, it was awesome!
the hard part, as always, was telling jockey i was leaving.
i did it while watching E.T., his favorite movie.
i could not tell if he was upset that i was leaving or that doctors were doing unimaginable things to E.T.
it was not awesome...
but then we kissed and said our goodbyes...
it was awesome...like jockey!!!
new segment,
don't do your hair all silly for a show...
unless you are drew korb...
don't go flaunting your strength...
until you know how strong drew korb is...
and don't, whatever you do, drink if you are pregnant...
of course, if there is not an 8x11 photo copied sheet telling you to do so, it's fine...