man this time out was pretty nuts. a lot happened and i'm not really sure where to start. my guts saying, "hey frankie, why don't you start from the beginning?"
the truth is, i don't know.
the beginning...
this trip i had a lot of sexual tension within myself. sex was on my mind from the first night out.
we went to a bar on the third floor of a building...
the name of the beer i had reminded me of what i would rather be doing...
*trout slayer
i started to get the spins at the very thought...
later i went home and pleasured myself in a way i had pleasured myself twice earlier that day.
only this time i ejaculated the same stuff wilford brimley ejaculated out of his eye in 1985s "cocoon"...
it felt fucking great.
then, i did what i do...
and went to bed.
the next day was my favorite day of the year.
Abraham Lincolns birthday!!!...

i found a near by shrine to go pay my respects
and when no one was looking i planted one right on him...

on the other side of campus drew and adam were working hard on the show...
after, we drove around little town iowa.
we found this sculpture cut out of a tree...
besides taco john's, this was by far the coolest thing in town. it almost would have been blasphemous if i had not booty danced on it. luckily i did...
one of the nights on tour some students invited us to do some improv in their black box theatre.
it was fun..., sorta.
here are some pics...
*adam - (food nickname to come)
*me, either playing a woman or myself.
most likely a woman though.
i'm a trout slayer god dammit!
the next day i saw a cemetery on a hill...
right off the highway too.
what if there was a run/roll away casket or something. right on to the highway. someone would hit the casket and have to live with the guilt of re-killing someone.
it still would beat hitting a deer. man, fuck deers.
later that day i had bawls on my chin...
get it?
why in the world would someone name their product "bawls"?...
actually, they taste pretty good.
and it's always fun to say "you're pounding "bawls" with your boys."
speaking about "bawls" i got some head on the road...
just kidding, its only a styrafoam make-up head that i rubbed against my penis.
We spent one night in st. joseph missouri. this little city is only 60 or so miles from kansas city, where my friend jason lives.
he came up. it was so good to see him...
he was doing great. through catching up i realized how much i missed his presence in chicago.
here's a fruity pic of us...
i also took pictures of him sleeping...
oh how i miss thee...
history yo...
drew suggested we stop at the historic sight of "brown vs. the board of education". the sight that set off one of the biggest human rights trial in supreme court history. and you know i took a picture in "gangsta" pose...
i also wanted to feel the same pride african americans felt the first time they were able to walk through the doors of monroe hall...
however, i tripped and scraped my knee resulting in scrapping the whole idea.
look at all these birds...
its like a cloud of birds.
we gave ourselves temp tats (temporary tattoos) at one of the shows. i was the silver surfer because it was the only one they had.
once the show was over i walked around the building.
on my own.
not really looking for anything.
then anything found me.
but in this story anything = bernice, a stuffed cow i met all by her lonesome...
and who would have known but we hit it off and started having a great time...
she was drinking like a fish...
and right when i thought she was passed out i made my move...
but she wasn't asleep. she wasn't asleep at all. in the end bernice got what she wanted.
it was disgusting and left me feeling cheap...