on my way there i flew over good old chicago. i can't wait to get home. the number of things i miss there are not even funny. seriously, not at all.
everything i miss in chicago is pictured below...
everyone says denver and the surrounding rocky mountains are a beautiful site.
i'm was not that impressed...
my first night back was pretty cool. adam called up an old friend of his that happened to be an old friend of mine too.
knauf... jason knauf...
knauf is doing great in denver. he plays the villain in a traveling juggling/dancing/super performance show. check out the company...www.handsomelittledevils.com/
we had the next day off, which was great. we ate a ton. there was this place called KT's bbq...
it seriously was some of the best bbq i have ever had. second only to pheobe's in philadelphia on 22nd and south.
here's what i ordered...
i started eating right away, totally forgetting about taking a picture to preserve the memory.
my sandwich and i instantly hit it off. to be honest i kind of fell for her...
then i ate that bitch up. love was a battlefield that day...
and i won. although the black bean chili put up a decent fight...
this was my army...
they also work there.
here some random things. we'll get back to the food.
the other night at the show i found my long lost twin marcus. drew-burger said it was the same haircut that was making me think that and the differences between us were to obvious to ignore...
but still.
also, did you know comedy doesn't always work...
and good times are not always "dy-no-mite"...
back to food.
downtown denver has a nyc style pizza shop...
i had to find out if it was good or not. the owner, joey, grew up on staten island but has been living in denver for 22 years.
usually people that boast nyc style pizza don't know their ass from their elbow. let's just say joey knew perfectly well where his elbow was, on his arm...
good job joey!!!
that night a friend of aaron's who lives in denver invited us over for a dinner party. it was really nice to have a home cooked meal.
here we are...
here is aaron and his college friend, who was super nice, travis...
they had a toilet with two settings...
one was for poop and one was for pee.
they also had kids. if there is one thing i learned this evening is how good i am with children.
seriously, like candidate for "acquaintance of a friend of a friend who has babies and lets you hold them for more than five seconds but less than twenty two seconds" of the year award.
colton, age 2...
riley, age a couple of months or something...
i did however get her to smile...
more random things.
i dry humped a three story tall blue bear...
talk about throwing a hot dog down a hallway.