bye chicago...
you will notice that i post a lot of landscape pictures. i don't fancy myself a photographer or anything. i think it has more to do with weed. i remember taking this picture thinking "holy shit! the sears tower shrank, fuck you rick moranis. you fucking prick."
this is the mi spring 2009 tour group.
and this is how we roll...
sorry about that, it was pretty lame. the whole connection between the motion of a bowling ball and a slang terminology describing how one acts and/or holds oneself in public was a little to easy.
drew was strong...
i was passionate...
in the end strength won and passion came in 3rd...
we decided to play again only this time it was for keeps. anything off of wendy's dollar menu, which also consist of things over a dollar.

after 10 grueling frames...
i was triumphant!!!
for once "poo" was number 1
bowling was a blast. it truly was the best summer ever...almost.
on our way home we ran into a lion...
i was trying to be nice and everything but the lion kept pushing me...
once i called his mother a whore that god damn lion bit me in the ass...
making it only the third best summer ever. still pretty good.