no, i mean mild, like an el paso mild salsa.
first off i was walking to bills and saw this tree.
looks like someone didn't get the memo.
ha! that tree will be fired.
bill and i have been playing a lot of jeopardy along with the tv lately,
i wish i could say i win all the time but it would not be true. bill has beaten me the last 2 times.
i win all the time. i think it's because i'm superior to bill when it comes to subject of jeopardy.
later on that night i had a show with MORT (the team). MORT is the first improv team i was ever on. they are great folk.
here are some of them.
it has become a tradition amongst MORT to go get shit-canned at the end of every show.
we usually end up here.
this was a special night. ryan, one of my dearest oldest friends in chicago is getting married. i can't believe it! they were also celebrating here.
this guy...married...!!!

i hear his fiance is very nice and beautiful.
probably not as beautiful as him though, am i right?
the answer is "yes".
so as i said before MORT really knows how to tie one on, and drink.
i was drunk and it was pretty late so i headed home. luckily for me i only had to wait 20 minutes for the bus. when it got there i was the only person on it.
this never happens to me. not the drunk part but the alone on the bus part. I'm never the only person on a bus, movie theatre or airplane.
i'm always the only person there when masturbating. however, i'm open to try new things.
the bus driver was really nice. his name was 1036. we spent a good amount of time talking about tea. 1036 totally thinks tea is making a comeback, i told him "it never left yo!"
he told me to stop talking like that.
we also spoke about dogs. he has a 5 month old st. bernard who he swears is smarter than any of his previous 31 dogs.
halfway through one of his stories i fell asleep. i think he got mad.
this was where he told me to get off
*chicago and pulaski
this was the time
*4:08 am
the time and location are nowhere near my house.
finally i got home and all i wanted to do was play with my dog, then this happened. i can't believe the neighborhood has gotten so bad.