not really dancing.
the table was in a weird "7" like shape. maybe more like a "L" shape, but if the "L" was upside down.
if you were standing up over my seat turning halfway around saying hello to people it would have looked like this.
the food was great and thai.
we also did a gift exchange. normally i'm not into these types of things. the whole getting gifts with no love or feelings behind it really bothers me.
this is what i got.
later i was told when the person purchased this he had me in mind anyway.
i guess it's not all reckless gift giving.
someone received this.
it really bothers me lately that anti-semites take such liberties with the letter "Z". the other day i saw graffiti on the wall, it said "razism rockz!". the "Z" at the end of rocks was backwards. i wouldn't even know how to begin to do that on this computer. i'm sure you could just imagine what it looked like. probably like a "S". fuck, it probably was a "S"
the holiday party was great. people from all over the country came and drank.
my good friend james from nyc.
jeff and his wife from cincinnati.
benson from d.c.

overall it was the best night ever!!!
or at least this week...end.
i fell asleep on the couch friday around 9:30-ish. that was pretty badass too.