i often tell people marissa tomei was discovered when her boobed popped out on six flags great america's scream machine and their roller coaster cam caught it. the next time she was on film was"my cousin vinny". i tell people this in hopes that it will somehow get back to me. they would speak with confidence that marissa tomei was discovered by a candid boob shot. its funny i once read she doesn't even like roller coasters. really.

oh you...
if you've ever asked yourself what kind of establishment serves clams at a buffet...
i believe the answer would be "china buffet"
maurices had fried chicken. really.
day time...
almost night time...
even almoster night time...
night time and sonic...
i've never been to a sonic before. i see commercials for them all the time but never had the pleasure of eating at one. once, a couple of months ago we GPS'ed a sonic and it was closed. supposedly it had been closed for some time and converted into a car dealership. at first i thought it was chrysler la baron night at sonic. it wasn't.
we walked there because it was a surprising 53 degrees. or at least it was earlier that day. i think it probably was around 35 degrees when we went. but still we were in that 53 degree mentality that one often falls into when chill'n and drinking forties. we were doing neither, but i think the food equivalent is sonic.
it was sooooooooooo cool!...
and they were sooooooooooo nice...
later that night we had a show. they advertised for us on napkin dispensers all while an internet themed eatery was right at their finger tips...
here's us pre-show...
i've been taking "myspace" type pictures (the ones that you take of yourself to capture the good time you may or may not be having) during shows on stage. i think the bit of self indulgence can come off funny at times...
sometimes, maybe not all the times. perhaps this is a bad example.
anyway it was a fun show.
and i met a lady...
she was an animal...
but like one with brittle bones and couldn't really do much...
i was two dates away from touching her where she pee's...really.